Un interviu in China Daily

Chinese Development Model Applauded

By Wang Qinyun

China’s development model is an alternative that shows moderniza- tion does not necessarily mean Westernization, former Romanian prime minister Adrian Nastase said.

Chinese modernization sends a message that „each country should seek its own modernization accord- ing to its own needs”, Nastase told China Daily.

„For countries like mine, modernization meant Westernization,” Nastase said. „But later on, we understood that sometimes it is much more important to have your own line of development, to think about the features of your country, traditions, culture.”

Characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context, Chi- nese modernization involves a huge population, aims at common pros- perity for all, focuses on both mate- rial and cultural-ethical advancement, underlines harmony between humanity and nature, and pursues peaceful development.

Over the past several decades, China has grown in leaps and bounds through its own pattern of development. The special pattern has been met with not only praise, but also doubt.

Some accuse the world’s second-largest economy of being a „threat” Some even hype the possibility of a „Thucydides trap”, or a clash between pow- ers, lying ahead for China.

Concerned by the claims, Nastase said the media and politicians in the United States and some European people exchanges. countries tend to perceive China as an enemy.

Such a misperception is „very dangerous”, he said. „China, in my opinion, is not interested in a war” Nastase said.

Impressed by China’s growth, including its achievement in pover- ty eradication, Nastase stressed that different civilizations must coexist, and that dialogue is essential for 2003. avoiding a „clash of civilizations”:

His opinion is similar to what China has called for.

Advocating for equality and inclusiveness of civilizations, China has supported mutual learning and exchanges among civilizations to promote common progress, and has opposed a „cookie-cutter” approach to the development of different countries.

China’s values, ideas and traditions need to be better understood in other parts of the world, where many countries have considered modernization the same as Westernization, Nastase said.

Nastase also shared his view on the Belt and Road Initiative. Calling the initiative „the project of the century” that translates globalization into action, Nastase said the BRI’s connection of infrastructures around the world is essential for trade, investment and people-to-people exchanges.

Nastase hopes there will be more BRI cooperation projects carried out in his country, which signed a memorandum of understanding on BRI cooperation with China in 2015.

Nastase served as Romanian prime minister from 2000 to 2004. He made a visit to China at the height of the SARS outbreak in May.

During that trip, Nastase brought some medical equipment with him to show his support for China’s fight against SARS. He also expressed hope for strengthened cooperation between the two countries.

Huge progress has taken place in China since his trip two decades ago, not only in China’s urban land- scape but also in the way its people behave, Nastase said.

Articol original din China Daily

2 gânduri despre “Un interviu in China Daily

  1. @Adrian Năstase: „… is much more important to have your own line of development, to think about the features of your country, traditions, culture”

    Total de acord.

    Dar cum rămâne cu reglementările UE în domeniile economic și comercial sau cu impunerile asupra renunțării la tradiții ca urmare a obligativității implementării unor noi valori inventate, implicit „drepturi” ale omului, multe în totală contradicție cu tradițiile națiunilor?

    A se vedea: „Îndoctrinarea sexuală” (https://mipopescu.wordpress.com/indoctrinarea-sexuala/)

  2. Dvs. sunteți total de acord cu d-l Năstase.

    Eu sunt total de acord cu dvs.

    Cu un mic, neînsemnat amendament, cu care, nu am nici o îndoială, veți fi, la rândul dvs. total de acord.

    În succintul articol pe care ni-l recomandați, remarcați că, „dacă în Europa se închid ochii [la reglementările de tot soiul impuse de UE statelor membre – nota mea], în Statele Unite a început deja să ia amploare un curent popular care boicotează…”. Nu continuu citatul, nu intru în detaliile din articolul citat; boicotează ceea ce e de boicotat, ceea ce detestăm eu și dvs.

    Observați, apoi, că până și autoritățile locale (și, poate, după alegerile prezidențiale, centrale) încep să ia atitudine, în Statele Unite: „În Florida, guvernatorul De Santis, care ieri și-a anunțat intrarea în cursa prezidențială, a interzis prin lege…”. Iarăși, nu continuu citatul, nu intru în detalii; a interzis ceea ce trebuia interzis; bravo lui!

    Pe scurt, Statele Unite s-au trezit și s-au ridicat la lupta pentru normalitate; Europa – nu; asta-i ideea generală.

    Pe de altă parte, în articolul imediat anterior, de pe blogul către care ne-ați dat un link, acuzați „noul curent progresisto-globalist cu rădăcini în fondurile lui Soroș”, responsabil de distrugerea spiritului național din diferite țări, de „drepturile” inventate ale omului, de restricțiile de tot felul pentru „salvarea planetei”… Iarăși: total de acord cu dvs.!

    Simt nevoia, totuși, să fac ultima, neînsemnata legătură care, mi se pare, lipsește din raționamentul dvs., veriga de legătură (ca să fac o paralelă cu îndelung căutatul schelet de antropoid căutat de evoluționiștii care încercau să demonstreze teoria darwinistă): agenda lui George Soros nu este nimic altceva decât parte a politicii americane expansioniste, în intreaga lume.

    Nu: nu trebuie să mă credeți pe cuvânt. Vă dau, la rândul meu (exact cum ați făcut dvs., cu linkul de mai sus), o bibliografie extrem, extrem de serioasă (și SUNT SIGUR CĂ UN INTELECTUAL CA DVS. NU E GENUL CARE SĂ NU DEA CLICK, PENTRU CĂ-I E LENE SĂ CITEASCĂ UN TEXT MAI LUNG DE DOUĂ RÂNDURI). E vorba de ziarul britanic „The Guardian” și de cotidianul american „Washington Post” (cu simpatii, atenție, democrate, încă de pe vremea lui John F. Kennedy și a lui Ben Bradlee, deci susținător al lui Soros, dar care, fără să vrea, în articolul respectiv, îl demască pe acesta din urmă).

    1) The Guardian, „US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev”, 26 noi. 2004 („revoluția portocalie”!!!; în același timp, am avut și noi una, ceva mai pașnică – a fost un plan american la nivel regional – , care a eliminat definitiv PSD-ul de la Cotroceni):


    Câteva citate:

    „ With their websites and stickers, their pranks and slogans aimed at banishing widespread fear of a corrupt regime, the democracy guerrillas of the Ukrainian Pora youth movement have already notched up a famous victory – whatever the outcome of the dangerous stand-off in Kiev.

    Ukraine, traditionally passive in its politics, has been mobilised by the young democracy activists and will never be the same again.

    But while the gains of the orange-bedecked „chestnut revolution” are Ukraine’s, the campaign is an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding and mass marketing that, in four countries in four years, has been used to try to salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes.


    Last year, before becoming president in Georgia, the US-educated Mr Saakashvili travelled from Tbilisi to Belgrade to be coached in the techniques of mass defiance. In Belarus, the US embassy organised the dispatch of young opposition leaders to the Baltic, where they met up with Serbs travelling from Belgrade. In Serbia’s case, given the hostile environment in Belgrade, the Americans organised the overthrow from neighbouring Hungary – Budapest and Szeged.

    In recent weeks, several Serbs travelled to the Ukraine. Indeed, one of the leaders from Belgrade, Aleksandar Maric, was turned away at the border.

    The Democratic party’s National Democratic Institute, the Republican party’s International Republican Institute, the US state department and USAid are the main agencies involved in these grassroots campaigns as well as the Freedom House NGO AND BILLIONAIRE GEOGRGE SOROS’S OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE”.

    2) The Washington Post, „FUND’S REPRESENTATIVES ARRESTED IN CHINA”, 8 aug. 1989: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1989/08/08/funds-representatives-arrested-in-china/24e8b72c-d6fe-4753-a007-51d181239cb6/

    Primul paragraf din articol:

    „The Chinese government has arrested and interrogated Chinese representatives of a private American organization in Beijing in what some knowledgeable exiled Chinese sources say is an effort to link ousted General Secretary Zhao Ziyang to „foreign subversive forces.” New York financier and philanthropist George Soros, who founded the Fund for the Reform and Opening of China (China Fund) in Beijing, said the Public Security Ministry has detained and interrogated his personal representative, Liang Congjie. Others connected to the fund have been charged with counter-revolutionary activities, he said. Zhao supporters in exile have expressed concern that the government is attempting to link the China Fund to the Central Intelligence Agency […]”.

    ÎN CONCLUZIE: „noul curent progresisto-globalist cu rădăcini în fondurile lui Soroș”, responsabil de distrugerea spiritului național din diferite țări, de „drepturile” inventate ale omului, de restricțiile de tot felul pentru „salvarea planetei” = CIA, Departamentul de Stat american, SUA în genere, indiferent dacă, la Casa Albă, se află o marionetă democrată sau republicană. Nu am NICI O ÎNDOIALĂ că, în lumina dovezilor furnizate, veți fi TOTAL DE ACORD.

    Good day to you, sir!

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