Noi apariții editoriale la Jilava

A ieșit recent, de la tipar, cartea pe care am scris-o, în penitenciar, în ultimele luni. Ea se intitulează „Cele Două Românii. Politici, discursuri, poziționări. 2001-2004”. Prefața este scrisă de prof. Bogdan Teodorescu. Volumul are 854 de pagini, format mare. Nu vreau să vă povestesc, deocamdată, conținutul său. Prefer să adaug, pentru a vă face o idee, cuprinsul lucrării:

1. Introducere
2. Și câteva precizări
3. Cele douå Românii
4. Reformă și modernizare în societate și în viața de partid
5. Politică și globalizare
6. Politică și politicieni
7. Guvernarea – punct de plecare și rezultate la final
8. Premier politic sau premier tehnocrat?
9. Eșecul desemnării unui secretar general „tehnocrat”
10. Atacul cu „armaghedoane”
11. Efortul de modernizare doctrinară
12. Relația cu UDMR
13. Promovarea tinerilor în partid
14. Pregătirea pentru alegeri
15. Ideea alegerilor anticipate și alte variante
16. Revizuirea Constituției
17. Comunicarea politică – câteva noțiuni de bază
18. Înainte și după alegerile locale
19. Proiectul „Noul PSD”
20. Alegerile preliminare din partid
21. „Baronii locali”
22. Minciuna șantajului cu fuziunea
23. Rolul elitelor în politică. Cu două exemple: Mircea Cărtărescu și Tom Gallagher
24. Societatea civilă și ONG-uri partizane
25. Partide politice
26. Relația cu PNL
27. Alianța cu PUR
28. Relația cu PRM
29. Relațiile externe ale partidului
30. Relația cu Uniunea Europeană – câteva aspecte
31. PSD și mass-media
32. O legendă: publicitatea de stat
33. Pregătirea pentru alegeri
34. Rolul consultanților străini
35. Candidatura la prezidențiale
36. Complicitatea Coaliției pentru un Parlament Curat
37. Alegerile parlamentare – evaluare
38. Campania pentru prezidențiale
39. Alegerile prezidențiale – Rezultate și evaluare
40. Dezertarea lui Stolojan
41. În fața oglinzii
42. Minciuna Fraudei în campania pentru Dreptate și Adevăr
43. De ce nu am cerut renumărarea voturilor?
44. Formarea guvernului „imoral”
45. Relația cu Ion Iliescu
46. Anticorupția, claxonul și vânătoarea de vrăjitoare
47. Proiecte controversate, false legende
47.1. O primă legendă: „Năstase – patru case”
47.2. Minciuna cu „mandatul de 5 ani”
47.3. RAFO – JAFO
47.4. Cazul Teo Peter
47.5. Proiectul „Dracula Land”
47.6. „Legenda” PETROM
47.7. La vânătoare, cu Ilie Sârbu
47.8. Roșia Montană
47.9. Liberul acces la informațiile publice
47.10. Protecția informațiilor clasificate
47.11. Sesizarea Curții Internaționale de Justiție
47.12. Pozele cu Ion Iliescu, din campanie
47.13. Datoria suedeză
47.14. Controverse legate de Proiectul Bechtel
47.15. Scrisoarea de scuze a lui Băsescu
47.16. Cine era „turnătorul-disident” din SUA?
47.17. Situația ordonanțelor de urgență
47.18. Problema copiilor de romi la Paris
47.19. Relațiile cu sindicatele
47.20. „Documentul” Miclescu
47.21. Teoria „Centrului Imaculat”
47.22. Relațiile cu serviciile de informații
48.Unificarea stângii românești

Anul 2001
Modernizarea social-democrației româneşti – 16 iunie 2001
Anul 2002
1. Obiectivele strategice ale PSD în anul 2002 – 6 februarie 2002
2. Relansarea şi dinamizarea activitåții Partidului Social Democrat – 19 iulie 2002
3. Viziunea PSD asupra relației dintre stat şi cetățean – 12 octombrie 2002
4. Spre normalitate – o viziune social-democrată modernă pentru viitorul României – 12 octombrie 2002
Anul 2003
1. Alianța cu UDMR – 31 ianuarie 2003
2. Strategia politică a PSD pentru 2003 – 18 martie 2003
3. Tinerii şi politica – 24 mai 2003
4. Mesaj la Forumul Ecologiştilor – 5 iunie 20035
5. Mesaj către profesorii social-democrați – 10 iunie 2003
6. Despre Constituția Europeană – 30 iunie 2003
7. O nouă ofensivă politică – 9 iulie 2003
8. Reformă și descentralizare – 28 septembrie 2003
9. A 50-a aniversare a grupului parlamentar al PES – 7 octombrie 2003
10. Noua arhitectură a Europei de Sud-Est – 27-29 octombrie 2003
11. Suntem membri ai Internaționalei Socialiste! – 6 noiembrie 2003
Anul 2004
1. Femeile social-democrate în campanie pentru alegerile locale – 13 martie 2004
2. Primăvara Social Democrată – 27 martie 2004
3. Mesaj adresat pensionarilor – 17 aprilie 2004
4. Mesaj adresat Consiliului NaÆional al CNSLR-Frăția – 20 aprilie 2004
5. În campanie: candidații PSD din Oltenia și Muntenia – 24 aprilie 2004
6. În campanie: candidații din Bucureşti – mai 2004
7. În campanie: candidații din Bihor – mai 2004
8. În campanie: candidații din Transilvania – mai 2004
9. În campanie: candidații din Moldova și Dobrogea – 4 mai 2004
10. În campanie: candidații din Transilvania și Banat – 8 mai 2004
11. În campanie: susținerea lui Mircea Geoană – 17 mai 2004
12. În campanie: la Iași – 1 iunie 2004
13. O nouå inițiativă: „Bani de liceu” – iunie 2004
14. În campanie: mesaj către bucureșteni – iunie 2004
15. În campanie: îndemn către alegători – iunie 2004
16. Mesaj după turul al II-lea al alegerilor locale – iunie 2004
17. După alegeri: evaluarea rezultatelor – 14 iulie 2004
18. Tabåra de vară a Ecosy și a grupului PES – 23 iulie 2004
19. Mesaj la reuniunea națională a femeilor din PSD – 29 iulie 2004
20. Nevoia unor soluții pentru redresarea PSD – 30 iulie 2004
21. Mobilizarea pentru campanie: întâlnirea cu Organizația București –6 august 2004
22. Importanța alegerilor prezidențiale: discurs la Congresul Extraordinar al PSD – 27 august 2004
23. Congresul Uniunii Naționale PSD+PUR – 9 septembrie 2004
24. Tineretul Social Democrat: o speranță confirmată – 18 septembrie 2004
25. Din nou în vâltoarea alegerilor parlamentare – 9 octombrie 2004
26. O mărturisire de suflet – 28 octombrie 2004
27. Discurs la lansarea candidaturii la funcția de preşedinte al României –30 octombrie 2004
28. Cele două Românii – 13 decembrie 2004


56 de gânduri despre “Noi apariții editoriale la Jilava

  1. Un ins – nu-l cunoasteti – numit Banciu , are O LUME . LUMEA lui Banciu este mica , inghesuita si miroase urat , pentru ca s-a nascut intr-un camin de canalizare . Banciu insusi este neplacut la vedere , greoi in gandire , antipatic , imbracat fara gust , rudimentar si mai plicticos decat plictisul , ca atare nu are posibilitatea de a-si promova LUMEA lui puturoasa .
    Singurul lucru pe care stie Banciu sa-l faca , pentru ca LUMEA lui mizerabila sa se strecoare totusi si in casele noastre , este ca , inverzit de invidie ori de cate ori un cetatean roman pare sa sara dezinvolt peste stacheta autohtona sau mondiala tot mai inalta , sa incerce sa socheze prin abjectie .
    Exista un gandac numit plosnita –cerealelor de care am vazut ca se fereasc nu numai oamenii , ci si animalele cu sange cald ; daca te apropii prea mult de el sau il atingi din greseala, mirosul pe care il emana devine insuportabil . Este complicat din acesta cauza sa-l aduni cu matura si farasul , sa-l arunci in closet si sa tragi apa dupa el , pentru ca izul dulceag si dezgustator ramane in aer multa vreme dupa aceea .
    Poate aceasta este cauza pentru care nimeni nu foloseste o astfel de metoda radicala in redactia B1 Tv ; sau poate , cine stie , stand zilnic in duhoarea gandacului , o fi inceput sa le placa si se surprind sorbind-o ca pe o miresma de un mare rafinament .

  2. @ blogideologic,

    Guvernarea premierului Victor Ponta a reuşit să adune un bilanţ execrabil de impact negativ asupra mediului înconjurător.

    Păi să adunăm: a reuşit să adune un bilanţ … bilanţul nu se adună, se realizează… bilanţ execrabil de impact negativ asupra mediului…
    Dom-le, limitaţi-vă la exprimări de înţeles pentru marea mulţime a cititorilor, nemaivorbind de faptul că ce spuneţi dumneavoastră este complet… aiurea!
    Auzi: Bilanţ execrabil de impact negativ asupra mediului! Să mori în dureri!

  3. PSDei judeca fraza biodegradata a lui blogideologic!

    Ma vad nevoit sa explic intrun fel patentul artistitic greu de inteles pentru iubitorii de partid si poanta.

    Ce este bilantul:
    Bilantul , este o adunare a activului si pasivului intro perioada anume!

    Traducerea textului!
    Guvernarea lui Ponta a ajuns sa adune atatea minciuni, flatulatii incit a incarcat mediul in asa masura incit in perioada urmatoare ar putea ploua cu rahat!

  4. @ George Ban,

    „mancare, sanatate si copii”…

    Pai la mancare, toata lumea recunoaste ca nivelul de trai a scazut si cosul ala zilnic, despre care nu se mai vorbeste, nu s-a subtiat ci a disparut, si d-aia nu se mai vorbeste…

    Sanatatea a devenit un lux, accesul la privat este prohibitiv pt o performanta medicala aproape nula, iar la stat, prin coplata, tot asa plus ca trebuie sa mai adaugi spaga si rabdarea de a fi tratat ca un nevolnic de catre maretii medici romani, altminteri niste pungasi notorii, niste adevarati borfasi care, asa cum s-a vazut la Sibiu, desi sotul era milionar sotia falsifica retete… Oriunde te duci platesti si primesti un morman de analize, dar fara diagnostic! Aici nu-si ia nimeni raspunderea fixarii unuia…

    La capitolul „copii” e si mai trist, anul asta a scazut natalitatea in Romania sub nivelul celei din 1945, adica, intelegem ca in 1944, cu toata insurectia armata si intoarcerea armelor, plus cu plecarea barbatilor pe front, deci evenimente serioase dintr-un razboi mondial, romanii concepeau mai multi copii decat in timpul guvernarii asteia, altminteri una plina de haz si voie-buna… in aceeasi Europa si cu aliati diferiti…

    Deci nu e vorba de grijile romanului, ci de lipsa unei vieti si a unui viitor, decente…

    Poluarea la care se refera blogi, va exacerba lipsurile, astfel ca insasi apa potabila va trebui cumparata de la vecinii care au fost suficient de inteligenti ca sa nu-si distruga tarile si popoarele lor… Evident, si nutreturile, si culturile agricole vor fi afectate, preturile explodand! Prin urmare nu realizam nimic, scoatem si vind altii in locul nostru gazele noastre de sist, iar noi vom cumpara apa, nutreturi, carne si produse agricole din Ungaria, de unde din alta parte?

    Cine va mai fi mandru ca e roman? Asta se intreaba blogideologic mai sus!


    „Istoria neamului românesc” reprezintă o sinteză, minunat alcătuită, a evenimentelor succedate din momentul aprinderii primelor scântei de civilizație în Europa, care pare să coincidă, într-un mod fericit, cu locul și momentul aprinderii primelor focare de civilizație ale triburilor pelasgo-traco-geto-dace.

    Relatările din lucrare sunt făcute de pe o poziție neutră și bine documentată asupra prezențelor conducătoare daco-romane și mai târziu, a celor românești, culminând cu momentele decisive din vremea lui Burebista, Mihai Viteazul și Ferdinand, care au marcat unificarea fizică a teritoriilor românești.


    By: Cindy-Lou Dale

    I find the conspiracy theorists of this world somewhat tiresome. Even more so, I am disbelieving of the feeble, highly processed and refined news stream that television provides. One such rhetoric is the recent tsunami tragedy of December 2004.

    Compelled to find the truth I set out to write an article detailing the natural causes surrounding this disaster (and indirectly disprove the other theories doing the rounds). My findings however, were somewhat startling and as such, I am compelled to detail them below and ask that you draw your own conclusions.

    Between November and December 2004 Reuters reported that 189 whales and dolphins beached themselves in Tasmania. An Australian senator spoke with the press and advised that sound bombings or seismic tests were being conducted on the ocean floor, testing for oil and gas, near the beaching site in Tasmania.

    The sound pulses created by the release of air from up to 24 air-guns create low frequency sound waves potent enough to penetrate up to 24 miles below the seafloor. These underwater soundings generate more than 200dB, which roughly equates to a sound blast of around 155dB in the air.

    Whales and dolphins communicate over immense distances and navigate by way of their sensitive sonar systems and are particularly sensitive to high intensity sonic vibrations.

    According to the Australian Conservation Foundation, these 200dB blasts are fired every 10 seconds or so, from 10 meters below the surface, 24 hours a day, for two week periods of time.

    At this juncture, allow me to briefly explain a little about resonance. Resonance is the frequency at which a material will vibrate. Once a material starts to resonate (however small the resonance), it moves up and down, and if it is brittle or unstable, the movement can become quite violent or the material can even shatter. An example would be the constant high pitched tone of a soprano opera singer shattering crystal. Another more relevant example is that in areas hit by earthquakes, some tall buildings simply collapse, whilst others remain standing. This was initially thought to be caused purely by poor construction or poor quality materials, but it was later proven that it was often caused by resonance, as every building has a resonant frequency at which it will vibrate. Vibration is manifestation of the absorption of resonant energy which then causes the building to shatter. Furthermore, one tectonic plate resonating against an adjacent stationary one can also have catastrophic consequences at the meeting point.

    On December 24th, near the meeting point of the Australian, Indian and Burmese tectonic plates, a subterranean earthquake, measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale, occurred. Two days later, in Indonesia, the Indian and Burmese tectonic plates slipped by fifty feet along a 750 mile fault-line resulting in an earthquake, the fourth largest since 1900, measuring 9.0. The ocean floor above the fault-line was raised by several feet, forcing a massive convulsion of displaced water. The earthquake rocked Sumatra and moved the entire island approximately 100 feet south west and even disturbed the Earth’s rotation. Within ten minutes this vertical disturbance of the overlying seawater triggered a tsunami. Ten minutes later it had claimed its first victims in Sumatra. Within seven hours the tsunami’s death toll exceeded 226,000 – which roughly equates to the number of people killed in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atom bomb explosions of WW2.

    Is there a possible connection between the tsunami earthquake and deep-sea seismic testing for oil off the coast of Australia? Could the constant barrage of high dB sound waves have been the catalyst of this quake? Or are we witnessing the repercussion of decades of environmental exploitation in mans’ never ending search for natural resources, like oil.

    A relationship between these two earthquakes is considered quite possible by some seismologists saying that „the former one might have been a catalyst to the Indian Ocean earthquake, as the two quakes happened on opposite sides of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate.”

    According to one such seismologist, tsunamis could be caused by one of two occurrences – landslides or explosions, such as underwater nuclear testing.

    This statement guided my research to another theory.

    There have been similar earthquakes to the South East of Tasmania. In 1998 an earthquake occurred south of Australia and New Zealand, between Macquarie Island and Antarctica. This quake triggered a tsunami which generated large surface waves for several hours. I asked a seismologist, who asked not to be named, what would cause such a seismic disturbance. „Landslides or more probably, underground explosions, such as nuclear testing.”

    I looked a little further into the effects of nuclear test and discovered the following:

    The U.S. has conducted 1,054 nuclear tests between 1945 and 1992. Before 1962, all the tests were atmospheric (on land or in the Pacific or Atlantic oceans), since then some 839 nuclear were carried out underground.

    Between 1966 and 1990, the French conducted 167 nuclear tests on two atolls in French Polynesia – Morurua and Fangataua, of which 44 tests were atmospheric but since 1974 France carried out only underground tests. New nuclear warheads for France’s ‘Triompahnt’ class submarines were among these subterranean tests, which required shafts of between 1,600-4,000 feet to be bored into the basalt core of the atolls. At first, these shafts were drilled into the outer rim but in 1981, the tests with higher impact were moved to shafts drilled under the lagoon itself – most likely due to destabilization of that rim.

    An independent health study of the people of French Polynesia has never been undertaken and the military records of the health of personnel from the site have not been released. There also appears to be no follow-up program to monitor workers’ health once they have left the site.

    In 1963, the French Governor of Tahiti claimed „Not a single particle of radioactive fallout will ever reach an inhabited island.” But immediately after the first atmospheric tests, contaminated fish rained and radiation spread throughout the region.

    According to the U.S. Department of Energy and the office of Science & Technical Information, French Polynesia’s soil has become so poisoned this once near self-sufficient colony now imports 80% of its food.

    According to testimony from people affected by the tests, higher rates of cancer and birth abnormalities have been experienced by those living in French Polynesia.

    The environmental safety of testing nuclear weapons underground at Mururoa has been the subject of major controversy and concern. Mururoa and its sister test site at Fangataufa now contain several Chernobyls worth of radioactivity. Testing threatens the geological stability of these fragile and vulnerable environments and makes leakage of large quantities of radionuclides into the marine environment an ever present threat.

    Since 1975, more than 130 nuclear warheads have been detonated in deep shafts in the atoll, resulting in huge cavities that fill with molten rock and radioactive debris.

    While the French authorities have argued that testing is safe, several scientific missions to the atoll (all of which have had severely limited access to the site) have raised serious concerns about its ability to contain the radioactivity released by underground tests.

    In 1995, three French Polynesians, all residing in Tahiti, brought a legal case against the French government (Case T-219/95 R), Court transcripts reveal: „Short-term effects include geological damage and the venting of gaseous and volatile fission products into the biosphere. Nuclear tests can cause landslides and did indeed cause a major underwater landslide at Mururoa in 1979, when a nuclear device was exploded after jamming half-way down its shaft. Since the geology of Mururoa is already unstable due to large-scale fracturing caused by previous tests, further major landslides are likely.”

    In the past, such landslides gave rise to tsunamis causing coastal damage in areas as far away as Pitcairn and Tahiti.

    Continuing with court testimony: „Landslides can also release radioactive material into the sea. This would have a catastrophic effect on the food chain in French Polynesia, where fish is an important part of the diet.”

    The court document also revealed that the Mururoa landslide shifted approximately one million cubic meters of coral and rock and created a cavity estimated at 460 feet in diameter. It produced a major tidal wave comparable to a tsunami, which spread through the Tuamotu Archipelago and injured people on the southern part of the Mururoa Atoll. French authorities initially denied that any mishap had occurred and declared that the tidal wave was of natural origin, but in a subsequent publication they did acknowledged the Mururoa ‘accident’.

    In 1981 a mission led by French geologist Haroun Tazieff issued a warning about the geological stability of the atoll in the long-term if nuclear weapons testing continued.

    In 1983, a New Zealand-Australia-Papua New Guinea mission found elevated levels of tritium, and severe fissuring of the atoll and subsidence by more than three feet in parts of the atoll.

    In 1987, Commandant Jacques Cousteau found short-lived radionuclides such as caesium 134 and iodine 131 in the Mururoa lagoon, indicating leakage from test explosions was already occurring. He filmed spectacular cracks and fissures in the atoll as well as submarine slides and subsidence, which explains to a great extent, the move in 1988 of the largest nuclear tests to Fangataufa atoll.

    In 1990, a Greenpeace team found radioactivity in plankton 12 miles off the coast of Mururoa. The following year, an International Atomic Energy Agency mission, invited by the French military to counter Greenpeace’s findings, found elevated levels of plutonium in samples taken 12 miles from the atoll.

    Apart from its nuclear depository, there has been speculation for some time that the U.S. has a military installation in the Antarctic, conducting such tests, in collaboration with other nations. Research surrounding nuclear test sites and the fall-out of nuclear testing is so highly classified that little could be verified. However, one may draw conclusions from the fact that the U.S. has not endorsed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, leaving the door open to future U.S. testing.

    The International Atomic Energy Agency commissioned a study which revealed a significant threat. In the event of a major rock slide, on the north side of Mururoa, the nuclear test cavities previously drilled would become exposed and potentially cause a sudden release of radioactive materials into the southern oceans, affecting Australia and South America.

    Scientists from the Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres at the Russian Academy of Sciences have observed that earthquakes can be triggered by human action. „Induced seismicity, or seismic activity caused directly by human involvement, has been detected as a result of water filing large surface reservoirs, development of mineral, geothermal and hydrocarbon resources, waste injection, underground nuclear explosions and large-scale construction projects. If the stress change is big enough, it can cause an earthquake, either by fracturing the rock mass – in the case of mining or underground explosions – or by causing rock to slip along existing zones of weakness.”

    One of Europe’s largest research institutes, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, whose main research fields are in geophysics, seismology and volcanology, are rapidly accumulating and investigating evidence that seismicity is influenced by exogenous factors previously considered insignificant, such as strong distant earthquakes, nuclear explosions, earth tides, changes in the earth’s rotation speed, etc.

    According to declassified New Zealand government files, tidal waves have featured in weapons research since WW2. Secret wartime experiments were conducted off the New Zealand coast to create a bomb that would trigger tidal waves. However, the tsunami bomb was never fully tested and the war ended before the project was completed.

    Its mastermind was Thomas Leech, the Dean of Engineering at Auckland University (1940-1950). He set off a series of underwater explosions that caused mini tidal waves at Whangaparaoa, north of Auckland, in 1944 and 1945. Details of the research, known as Project Seal, are contained in documents (some six decades old) released by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

    Based on these facts we could draw one of three conclusions.

    Either induced seismic activity triggered the first quake, experienced off southern Australia on December 24th, which directly caused the changes that led to the Sumatra quake and the Asian tsunami; or
    Repeated nuclear testing could have induced changes that indirectly led to the earthquake; or
    Mother-earth retaliated in anger at the constant assaults on her and the tsunami was indeed an act of nature.

    Will we ever really know?

    The main sources when researching this article have been based on documentational evidence
    contained in:

    International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (Australia),

    The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty


    Annals of Geophysics (Vol 46, N5, 2003)

    „Earthquakes Induced by Nuclear Explosions” (by Rodolfo Console and Alexei Nikolaev)

    SpaceDaily (Jan 2005)

    Sound Waves Monthly (Jan 2005)

    „Inventory of Conflict and Environment”, Case Study No. 4 (Mururoa, French Nuclear Test in South Pacific).

    New Zealand Herald, June 30th, 2000 – „Tsunami bomb, NZ devastating war secret”.

    International Atomic Energy Agency, public information document (Mururoa)

    Istituto Nazionale Di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – „Generated Electromagnetic Discharges on the Seismic Regime”.

    Dept. Applied Geophysics, University of Berlin

    „Earthquakes Induced by Underground Nuclear Explosions” by I Pasechnik

    Extracts from a report to the US Environmental Protection Agency entitled „Earthquake Hazard Associated with Deep Well Injection” by C Nicholson and RL Wesson,

    „Seismicity in the Oil Field” as published in Oilfield Review (Spring 2000) – a project report compiled by Schlumberger and the Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres at the Russian Academy of Sciences for the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

    Atomic Scientist (Nov/Dec 1998)

    Reuters (Jan 2005) – „Global Tsuami”

    Australian Government – Geoscience Australia

    The Independent (Sep 9, 1995) – Interview with Director of the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (UK).

    Reuters (Nov 2004) – „Beachings in Tasmania”

    New York Times, March 2005 – „Senate votes on drilling in Arctic”

    Acoustic Ecology Institute

    17 Hours of recorded television news highlights and interviews between December 26 and January 10 following tsunami.

    In closing, I need to add a footnote: As a published writer and journalist I was somewhat taken aback at the media’s response when I initially approached them with this article in early February this year. London’s press felt it was pure speculation, American media said it was sensationalist paparazzi style trash – regardless of the documentation evidence.

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